Fundraising Roundup

2016 Q1 Iowa Fundraising Roundup

This is a continuing series reporting on fundraising activity by companies in the Iowa startup community. The information is refined from publicly-available SEC filings as available online at sites like It's not intended to be a perfect dataset but something to be measured over time to help in measuring changes in the ecosystem.

2010-2015 Iowa Fundraising Roundup

Access to investment capital is something that every startup community is trying desperately to improve and we all know the old axiom that you only improve the things you measure. With that in mind, I've done some research and created a baseline of investments raised by Iowa companies over the last five years.

Iowa Fund Raising Roundup - 2/17

This is the first in a recurring series of posts where I'll be keeping track of funds raised by Iowa startups and technology companies. The series will track fundraising as rounds as they're announced or reported starting January 1.