Geoff's Blog: Iowa Fundraising Roundup Series

Every Wednesday Geoff publishes "The Pull", a digest of the top news for the Iowa innovation community that week. The following is the introduction to Issue #151.

I've spent the past few weeks looking through SEC filings to try and get a handle on the total amount of money invested in Iowa startup-ish companies over the past few years. If you'd like to see the results check out 2010-2015 Iowa Fundraising Roundup over on the Gravitate blog.

I filtered and sorted the data and then aggregated it a few different ways in the post. I purposefully didn't try to offer any analysis because I'd like to see what you all think of it first. Do these numbers seem high or low? Is anything in particular surprising? What other data on investments would you like to see going forward? Reply here and let me know.

I should note that SEC filing data that is currently publicly available (and what I used for this post) comes from the Form D which isn't a fully comprehensive measure. Bill Daly, from Shuttleworth & Ingersoll in Cedar Rapids, wrote a guest post for our blog helping explain how the Form D is used. You can dig into that here (thanks Bill!).