9 years in (woot!)

("Can you believe how much office furniture costs?" I think to myself in this photo from our OG Gravitate Space sometime in 2014)

I almost missed it but Gravitate Coworking officially turned 9 years old last Friday. It's strange to think that it's the longest that I've ever worked for anyone—more than 20% of my entire life!—so I guess its good to work for yourself.

In July 2013, I registered this entity with the State of Iowa as a sort of placeholder in my career and set out to do "consulting". Days before I had left the leadership team at a company that I had helped build due to frustration over decision making and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do next. I was aware of coworking but I certainly didn't expect that it would become my focus for the next decade (almost) or more.

Thanks to the Gravitate team (past and present) and all of our members and partners over the years for supporting our thing!

9 years in and I haven't screwed it up, yet. 🤞

Geoff Wood

Gravitate Founder and President (I guess, I’m bad with titles)