#Gravi-Member Spotlight: Jessica Ireland

Happy first day of the Iowa State Fair everyone! I hope you eat your body weight in fried foods over the next 10 days! It's Thursday once again, which means it is time for another #Gravi-Member Spotlight! Jessica Ireland is a floating member at our Valley Junction location in West Des Moines, which means she has access to our space 24/7 and is welcome to come grab any open seat at our tables. Jessica is one of our newer members, coming to Gravitate in April, and we are so excited to feature her this week!

Jessica was born and raised in Iowa, only leaving the state for 5 years while attending graduate school. 3 of those years were spent in the windy city of Chicago and the other 2 at Berkeley. Jessica has had the super cool opportunity to work for herself for the last 3 years as a life-coach offering private sessions, workshops and retreats. She recently decided it was time to start listening to her own advice and is currently pursuing her passion! That's what we like to here! Jessica is transitioning her business to creative game and gift creation, making personalized games and gifts "to help people access their authentic, powerful selves!"

Like most people, Jessica joined Gravitate to get away from the distractions at home. In her own words, "It's much too easy to stay in your PJ's and chill on the couch all day." We definitely agree Jessica, which is why coworking spaces are so great! Jessica continues to be a member at Gravitate because of the interactions she has with other amazing Gravitaters and of course, the FREE coffee! Yes, we said FREE!

Here are some fun facts about our friend Jessica Ireland:

Jessica is passionate about inventing, building ad creating just about anything! She particularly likes converting old things into something new (upcycling)!

The nerdiest thing she does in her spare time is watch absurd amounts of Doctor Who - more than she cares to admit I will add. 

Her favorite place in Des Moines is the Iowa State Fair! How fitting!

Her Dungeon and Dragons name is Ellevi Keeper of the Holy Fire! Pretty badass!

Jessica doesn't typically do happy hour, but her go to alcoholic drink is the Spanish Coffee at Creme in Des Moines. "Any time fire and alcohol are combined it's a good thing." If you are looking for something new you may want to give this a try!

Her secret talent is that she is a retired Latin dance instructor and competitor!

One of Jessica's favorite family traditions is done over Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is "Those Potatoes." The recipe is a secret, but she did spill that it includes A LOT of sour cream, cream cheese and butter! Sounds delicious!

As we wrap up this spotlight Jessica has a little advice she would like to share with future entrepreneurs. 

"It's not going to be perfect right away. Just keep your goal in mind, do the next thing, and make adjustments as needed." Sweet and simple, we love it! 

Get out and enjoy the beautiful weekend at the Iowa State Fair and we will see you next week for another #Gravi-Member Spotlight! As always, thanks for reading! #graviout
