Geoff's Blog: Back from Montreal

Every Wednesday Geoff publishes "The Pull", a digest of the top news for the Iowa innovation community that week. The following is the introduction to Issue #169.

After two weeks of travel, it feels good to be back on the ground and relatively stable here in Iowa for a few weeks. Unfortunately, all of the emails and tasks that I snoozed while I was traveling came flooding back on Monday morning and two days later I'm still catching up on everything.

That said, Montréal was a pretty amazing city to visit last week and I look forward to going back sometime soon (preferably for a real vacation, not as part of a coworking conference or work trip). I've talked about the experience several times in meetings this week and I've been surprised at the number of people here in Central Iowa who have spent time there. It's not a destination that comes up a lot—at least in my social circles—but a fair amount of you have already made the trip. I'll be sure to ask for insider tips the next time.